Day 132: 5 Minute Freewrite: Wednesday - Prompt: gardening

This is my freewrite for the Day 132: 5 Minute Freewrite: Wednesday - Prompt: gardening, hosted by @mariannewest.



A man came to my door this morning asking about the ad I had placed in the newspaper for help in my garden. He seemed to be a nice man, he was very buff and looked like he knew what a hard day of work felt like, and he also had a nice smile.

I asked him to sit at the dinning room table and explained that my garden was not like other gardens. “My plants need to be fed three times a day or they start to wilt. I have special food that I prepare myself in the green house.”

The man nodded his head as if he understood, but I wanted to make this point clear. “Every morning I will need you to come here and water the plants, then they need to be sprayed for bugs. The bugs here are very bad.” I explained.

After a few minutes the man seemed to be getting bored with my directions, so I asked if he would like to see the garden. “I would like to see what I will be working with.” He said.

As we walked out past the backyard, through the trellis garden of flowers I showed him the hidden path to the garden. When he saw the heads of the plants he was very surprised. I was proud of my plants and how well I had taken care of them.

“Sir. Please help us!” The plant whispered.

But just then I smacked him in the back of the head and he was out like a light.

I love planting in the Springtime. Gardening is such a great hobby!

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