We Write Freewrite @ simgirl & @svashta The Birdies

This is the We Write entry for the Day 101!!!! - More Freewrite History and a Contest of Sorts.

The objective of the We Write is to pick a partner, and write a freewrite together. @svashta was my partner. We opened a Google Doc, and created this cute little story. We hope you like it.


It was one of those lazy Saturday mornings, one of those when I sleep in.

And I heard a strange noise from outside my bedroom window; an eerie and piercing noise; one I had never heard before in my life.

I rubbed my eyes and swiftly got up, put on my pants and shirt I had lying next to me still from last night and looked outside, moving the curtains.

I witnessed the source of the disturbance. It was a baby sparrow that had fallen out of its nest, below the old Oak tree.

”The poor thing,” I thought to myself, looked around to find a warm and cozy piece of clothing to wrap it in and hurried outside; it was cold outside, after all.

The baby was shouting and chirping for its mother, who was watching from the branch above. I wasn’t sure if the mother would attack me if I touched its offspring.

I was confused at first why the mother didn’t fly down to the little baby sparrow on its own. Did it throw its offspring out of its nest?

But when I got closer, the mama bird seemed to be pleading for my help. I gently wrapped the baby in the old tee-shirt and lifted it to its nest.

The two birds, however, were still chirping loudly - the baby sparrow had hurt its wing badly and needed help. There was no way its mother could tend that wound.

I grabbed the whole nest; mother bird and all and jumped into my car. The Vet said the little birds would recover fine, and they would be put back into the wild.

Great fun!!!

Congratulations again to @mariannewest for hosting the Freewrites and for making it to the 100 day milestone.

If you would like to join in the fun today's freewrite prompt is: Day 102: 5 Minute Freewrite: Monday - Prompt: paint

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