black: 5 Minute Freewrite


Wandering through the mist in the black of night, the creek was bubbling next to me.

The peace you could feel was unstoppable. It slowed your steps until you had to stop..........

and sit

There was a log jutting out in the blackness.............

I would make my way, most nights, to that log.

and sit.

and breath.

and look around me.

and listen.

The night sounds have always been comforting in nature.

In my little sanctuary of darkness, I would regenerate all the energy I had lost from the day of light and sound.

There was a church in the distance. In the dark, the cross at the top was illuminated more than normal..............

I would sit there and talk to God, my guardian angel, asking questions as I always do.

Some nights there were answers

Some night there was none.

But I always walked back home filled with peace in my heart and the will to carry on.


*this is a true story

My Day 42: 5 Minute Freewrite - Prompt: black

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