Day 10: 5 Minute Freewrite - Prompt: Splinter

My Day 10: 5 Minute Freewrite - Prompt: Splinter


As I sat and ate breakfast in my quiet house, the sun was shining after days and days of rain.

The wind was blowing softly across the frame, blowing the drapes just enough to clean the air of humidity from the last week.

As I looked down I saw the table start to split.............. and splinter.

There was no noise.

It just split and kept splitting........

I had no idea what to do...........but I could not look away as my wooden table just splintered to nothing before my eyes..........

I looked out the window where just before? minutes ago.............. the world was all on its correct axis and saw the orange flames in the sky.


I was afraid to move.

I was afraid to blink my eyes.

I wanted to!!

In hopes that if I blinked, when I opened my eyes again the curtains would be blowing again, softy, oh so softly, but my eyes................they just stared at the orange flames that got bigger and bigger through my window.

My world then splintered.


Smiles today to all!!

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