Day 12: 5 Minute Freewrite - Prompt: Some Change

Did you ever wonder.....

Wonder why the sky is blue.

Wonder why the price of bread is a saying.

Wonder how your life turned out the way it did?

Wonder about the bugs in the grass?

Wondering is a good thing. It can be happy or sad. It can be anything really.

Wondering makes you think.

Makes you realize that might need some change in your life.


Some little change............maybe 1 dollar of change.

Maybe a new house?

Change is good. It keeps you real and fresh.......... no ruts to fall into, no grass to grow over those ruts from moving in.....

Change can mean many things to many people.

Some, like wondering, want BIG change and others a very small change is very needed and REAL.

Is it good to grow and settle in? Do we as humans get stale from not enough change in our lives?

I think so............ I think change can be a wondering wanding thing for some.......

but others? not so sure....

how do we.........




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