Day 120 Freewrite....

Hi Everyone!

This is my Day 120: 5 Minute Freewrite, Prompt: vitamins

Uhmmmm....this comes with a warning........but I'm not sure how to phrase the warning so you just let me know what it should have been in the comments 😁 Please. Humor me!


It's 2 am and I have looked at this prompt all day and still,

nothing at all comes to mind.

Not a rant.

Not a 'how do you do'.

Nothing fills my mind when I think of vitamins.

It should, but nope.

Nothing again.

One would think I need oxygen.

My breathing seems to be working though, hubby just gave me a kiss goodnight.

I think he would know if I was not exhaling.

One would hope!

It makes me wonder about this word, that nowadays is part of our everyday language.

It evokes no emotion from me, not even a story about monsters!

Funny how some days you think,

"Oh! That will be a good word!"


I guess if I ever get really sad or upset,

Can I call on the word vitamins to make me all better?

Maybe not quite how the doctor intended,

but hey, if it works, so be it!

I really can not ask for more from the word vitamins........


and that is all I have today! HA!


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