Day 16: 5 Minute Freewrite - Prompt: Dirty Dishes

It was the hour before midnight when the clock stuck.

The house was finally quiet and peaceful.

It had been a long day for her. A very long day.

So many new things to explore and see.

But now was the time for silence.


Now, looking around at the dirty dishes that would wait another day, she thought of all the plans set in motion this day.

The park that was to be built in his name.

The land that was set aside forever for the animals to run free in and the flowers to grow. Bee's would come back and be plentiful again in that land.

Many were watching, she knew, to see how they all dealt with the tragedy of the last month......


The Silence was good.

Good to be in. To collect one's thoughts. Breath deep as the Nightengale does so that you had energy to face the day when it comes.

but now..............the light was coming. She best be off to sleep before the world started again for everyone.



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