Day 17 -The Weekend Freewrite

This is a freewrite following the weekend prompts starting with this one

Part One~

There she was, Emily Gerstein, over by the pool, kissing my father.

I was happy he had finally found someone to love. She was a wonderful woman and treated him kindly.

Knowing her Dad has finally found some happiness and peace in his life made Jena feel more relaxed then she had in over 3 years.

She knew now that her Dad would be okay after losing Mom.

It was becoming time she stopped hiding behind her Dad and his life.

Johnny was going to be asking her soon to marry him now that Dad was happy and settled. She knew her excuses were coming to an end.

Did she really want to go with him? She was not sure. She didn't know what to think.

Part 2~

On the following Friday, We packed our bags and planned our escape!

Jena was doing the right thing by not marrying Johnny. Knew she needed to leave fast so he could not find her, her Dad or his new Wife.

The plane was taking off in another 20 minutes and then they would be home free.

Jena could not believe how close she came to saying yes!

When she walked into that room and saw what he had done. All her instincts were paying off in keeping Johnny just far enough away so she would still keep some reality to her life.

All the money Johnny had would never make up for what she would have had to give up in her soul to be with him and lead the life she knew he wanted for her.

She would miss him and knew this was hard on her Dad and Emily but she had to make sure they were safe or she never would be able to live with herself.

16 minutes more minutes.........

Part 3~

I looked at the stain on the Wall and my heart broke again as it does every time I see it.

I will never forgive myself for bringing Emily and Dad into my mess.

I should have just left them alone and happy. I didn't think.

I was still hiding behind my Father and his life by taking them with me.

I should have known.

I always prided myself on being smart and aware of everything going on around me but this.........

I never saw coming.

I hope they will both forgive me.

I kept the stain there to remind me to not hide anymore from the world and all its problems.

Hiding only gets others involved with your life that doesn't have to be.

Jena sighed and turn away from the stain.

The door opened as she was pushing her tiny shoulders back.

"Hello, Johnny. How are you today?"


The end,

This was a new #freewrite for this weekend and I hope I did it correctly! HA! everything I was reading was telling me not to read ahead or read anyone else's until I had done mine so? not sure how I did but I guess we will find out soon!

@mariannewest is keeping me on my toes and I'm having a ball! Thank you for this and ALL that you have done.

If you would like to join in with all of us please follow this link to her first post:Writers or wanna be Writers Wanted!!!! Be Free! Freewrite!

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