Day 47 : 5 Minute Freewrite - Prompt: airplane

This is a true story.

The call came as I was making dinner. My father had passed away.

He was to be okay she had said......but little did I know she was fooling herself along with me.

I booked a flight. It had a stop was going to be a very long day. Very long.

My husband dropped me off at the Airport with an opened ended ticket back. I didn't know how long I was going to be there.

As I was waiting for my flight, I heard two men talking loudly about their flight being canceled.

I, being me, went over and asked them what flight they were talking about.

They said their mother had just died. They had to get to Florida and their flight was now delayed.

Again I asked, what flight it was. I was told it was a direct flight........

I was relieved, it wasn't going to affect me.......

The men then said to go double check. They had heard it was all flights to Tampa.

So I did......

Yes, my flight was delayed too.....I told the women that I had to get there as my Father just passed away and my Mom needed me there.


She moved me to the direct flight, that was still delayed, but would leave the airport and get to Tampa sooner than the other flight I was to be on.

Five hours later than I should have been, but sooner.


I thanked the men that had told me about everything. I was ahead of everyone because of them and had gotten a seat, on the now full, direct flight.

I waved Goodbye and said I was going back outside for a smoke......I had another 5 hours to go so I'm going to spend at least 1 hour of it smoking!

They decided to come along with me too........


As we were walking I noticed one of the gentlemen was overreacting a bit. He was the older of the two.

I found out they were brothers and the oldest brother had had a stroke and it had affected his brain.

Once I had that information then I knew that he was priority number ONE.


His younger brother and I got him settled down as we were going back out through security. He was afraid we would not get back in. I checked with the guard, with the oldest brother next to me. When he heard that we were able to go out and smoke, he calmed down some more....


While walking, the youngest brother and I started talking. He asked where in Florida I was going. I said a small town 1.5 hours North of Tampa that no one has ever heard of.......


He said, " WHAT IS THE NAME of the TOWN?"

I said "Hernando."

He and his brother both stopped and mouths dropped.

Then they said," Where in Hernando?" I told them the neighborhood my Mom lived in.

They made me say it 15 times it seemed like........

It ended up that their Dad lived 2 blocks down from my Mom.

Their Mom and My Dad passed away on the same day and we were both headed to the same place on the same plane.


Long story a bit shorter........

The help WE gave each other over the next 2 weeks was beyond anything a person can ask for.

The younger brother and I still talk 3 years later and never miss a beat, even if it's been 6 months since we last talked.


Yes, I believe in God and even if, in the worst of times, you open yourself up to the world, he will take care of you.

Much Love,

**I did go over my 5 minutes

***sorry this was not my normal happy #freewrite but it is what came out of the prompt.

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