Day 55: Freewrite - Prompt: spent and tired

Hi Everyone!

This is my Day 55: Freewrite - Prompt: spent and tired


At the end of the day, she sat alone by the window just breathing in the cool air.

It had been a long and tiring day for her, just as every day was now.

She had always been a morning person. Now, she dreaded the mornings. Her day would start, as it always did, with pain. The whole day then was spent on how to manage that pain. To make it through another day.

By afternoon she could move a bit more but the price for moving compounded and rolled into the next day so there was always a balance to be maintained. To be able to get done what needed to but still be able to live some kind of a life.

A life that had gotten smaller as she got older and sicker.

The illness came to her slowly but it took its toll on her friends and family.

All thought she was making it up. No one could possibly be sick as much as her. They stopped asking and listening. Making her world all the smaller.

It was a hard thing for the woman to deal with.

One that use to have so many friends.


Much Love!

image by me

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