Day 59: 5 Minute Freewrite - Prompt: a red scarf


This is my Day 59: 5 Minute Freewrite - Prompt: a red scarf for today.


The red scarf try #2

Kathryn had worn the same warm red scarf for the last 50 years. Her Aunt given it to her for Christmas along with the lecture to never leave it unattended as it was an expensive present. Kathryn was getting old enough to start taking responsibility for something so dear.

That speech had stayed with Kathryn these last 50 years. Every time she looked at that warm red scarf, she went right back to her childhood and the lecture she had gotten upon opening her gift.

It never really bothered her the lecture per se, she was getting the warmest scarf ever for the trouble of a few words spoken in haste. As she got older, she started to wonder, how she couldn't have lost it in 50 years.

Her life was not spent, all in the same house, quite the contrary she had moved a lot in her 20's trying to find herself.

But the warm red scarf, with its lecture attached, always made it back to her pocket at the end of each year.

If you look at the possibilities of someone having that same scarf year after year, it's a Christmas Miracle beyond once a year.



The red scarf try #1

I was seated that day on an old bench in the park, it had turned warm late in the day. My bright red scarf had been a waste to bring and now just got in the way.

I made me wonder about life and all the things we had. How whole rooms, for some, were used to just house their clothes unlike years ago where a person had 3 sets of clothes to make it through their life.

Did we as a society get too much too fast? When will nature balance itself out and we will lose all we have?

Most make fun of the people that store for a doomsday but will those few be the lucky ones when the world rights itself again?

Should we not embrace natures call and live without more? It's a question some have answered and were happy in the doing. It makes you wonder if people could live without again.

How many would make it? How many would fail?

Insert your own conclusion as my red scarf floats away..................


Happy Writing!

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