Day 7: 5 Minute Freewrite - Prompt: I Saw a Wild Pig Running Down the Street

Day 7: 5 Minute Freewrite - Prompt: I Saw a Wild Pig Running Down the Street

I saw a pig running down the street singing "Do wah diddy, diddy do wah.........

I was wondering to myself if this pig knew that at the end of the trail was a barn and that his wife was going to be there waiting along with all the new piglets that were born while he was down at the pub sing "Do wah diddy, diddy dum ditty do?

Boy! was HE in for a surprise when he learned he will now have to get 2 full-time jobs in order to help feed 12 piglets!

Unless...........................he calls the farmer........... I DO sometimes wonder if his wife knows how well her husband knows that Farmer! and that her children didn't all go off to school and get married like she thinks.

Good thing the mail is not reliable in these parts or HE would be sent to that Famer by Besty!! That was for sure.

The whole town knew that Besty was NOT a pig to get on the bad side of!! She could be as sweet as Rotten apple pie until you messed with her children!!



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