Day 8: 5 Minute Freewrite - Prompt: Started

Day 8: 5 Minute Freewrite - Prompt: Started

The day started for Karen like any other on her cold hill facing the ocean.

The house had walls that were paper thin and the wind always blew from the east right into her kitchen. She was trying as fast as she could to get the fire started again from the night before.

Today though would be a day she would remember forever.

She was finally moving today. The buyers for the house were coming at noon, she wanted the house as warm for them as she could make it.......

As she was feeding logs into the stove she turned and smiled over her shoulder at Tom and started to give him a stern lecture on behaving today of all days. She needed Tom to be a good ghost today. No chains to scare people, no fake Boooooooooooooo's to make people jump and run away.

He needed to use his best manners today because the family that was going to be moving in needed a responsible ghost to help watch their daughter Kathleen. She was a frail child and needed care 24/7......



Introduction to the Daily Prompt 5 minute Freewrite

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