Day 9: 5 Minute Freewrite - Prompt: After Midnight

Day 9: 5 Minute Freewrite - Prompt: After Midnight

It was after midnight before she got her story done.

Too many stops and starts.

Too many people talking.

Too many dishes staring at her.

Too many!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was just too much!

There comes a time where two is too many!

One, she thinks is a good number.

One means you take care of yourself.

One means you, well, you only need one of ?? whatever it is.

One is easy to get, most times....but two.

Now two is another story.

For two you first need to get one then HOPE there is another one to make up two. If there isn't another one then you have to go searching..........and searching for that elusive 2nd one.........

Sometimes tho late at night, mostly after midnight when the skies are dark and the moon is on its way down, she thinks two would be nice. Well, more than nice........but

Two, so hard to find the other half. So takes too much every day to look for the other part of the whole.

Someday she would find it when she stops searching so hard for that other half.

Someday when you least expect things.............


A very tired,


**This has been one of the most fun things I have been a part of and I encourage ANYONE to try it. I'm not a writer and I don't care anymore because I'm having a ball! Thank you @MarianneWest for doing this!!

If you would like to try here is the like to the first post: Writers or wanna be Writers Wanted!!!! Be Free! Freewrite!

Please give it a try! you will not be sorry!!

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