Single Prompt Option - Weekend Freewrite


I have never done the prompt: A Smiling House for @mariannewest's #freewrite so I thought I would give it a go today!

If you don't know what a #freewrite is, please click here you will not regret it!



It was late in the evening and Toby just walked in the door from a long day at work. He was so tired, it had been a hell of a day.

Everything that could go wrong did and he had to pay for it all with more time away from his house. He knew when he got home he would have to pay again for being late.

As he opened the door he heard the rumblings already. Francis had been waiting for over 5 hours and he was going to pay, again and again for making him wait.

He quickly walked down to the basement, rolling up his sleeves as he went, thinking of how tired he was from work. That he just wanted to sleep after eating some dinner.

He rounded the corner, grabbing the knife that was always at the ready, and walked over to the chest freezer.

He gave the freezer a kick to get it going again and open it up and pulled out a case of blackberries.

He then cut each berry off sending it to a bucket. He made sure each berry was perfect or he would pay, he knew.

Once done he turned and walked up the stairs again. Holding the bucket.

He had to go back outside. The rains had come so he quickly grabbed his jacket and zipped it all the way up, putting his hood close over his head.

He walked out to the bench that had been there for the last 500 years and sat where each member of his family had sat for those same 500 years.

Setting the bucket down, he took a big breath, picked up a berry, got it just right in his hand and gave it a very practiced toss to the front door of the house. As he tossed the berry, the door opened wide. A large pink tongue came out and caught the berry and sucked it in.

As soon as that happened you could hear the windows start to rattle, slowly at first, more like scrapings sounds. Then it got smoother and smoother the more times the windows opened and closed.

"Hello Francis, how was your day?", asked Toby shivering now in his Jacket, but not from the cold.

The house door turned into a smile, not a normal smile, it was a door........but even for a door, it was not a smile you would want to be bestowed on yourself.


Happy Writing!

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