Day 188: 5 Minute Freewrite: Wednesday - Prompt: Be watchful and humble

Good day my dear @steemians... I would like to share with you my story of being watchful and humble. As I wake up early at 05:00H preparing myself for my class at 7:30H. While catching up in going to school, I leave 06:30H and while on the JEEP, I have encountered this situation.

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Photocredits by:@loliboofae


Originally composed by:

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As I travel from home to school
I have encountered something cool
I think it measures of my faith
Because I am praying while on the jeep

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Jeep is my mode of transportation
Which I can encounter different person
Sometimes are very rude
But you need to widen up your mood

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Today is a different story
It’s the lady conductor who almost ruined my day
Before my ego will start to rule
I keep on thinking I need to control

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Be watchful and humble
Don't let your heart be in trouble
Just understand her situation
And forgive her decision

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After all what had happened
My heart feels like heaven
I realize that when you are humble
God will make you peaceful

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Dear Lord, thank you for the gift of understanding and mindful of the situation happened today, I am also glad for the peace of heart. Amen.

"The World is unfair, the people is also unfair... But....... God is never unfair....He sees everything for us.... So be watchful because no matter how small you do to others it is counted already...."


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