Day 201: 5 Minute Freewrite: Tuesday - Prompt: important

Hola my fellow @steemians. How are you today? Here is my prompt for today about Important. I have cited in my poem three most important part of my life such as GOD, Family, and Friends.


This photo was taken by me and compiled using Microsoft Desktop Publisher.


Originally composed by:

God becomes my inspiration
Because I believe in his resurrection
That whoever comes to praise him
He will forever in our hearts reign

Whenever I have also a problem
I just call upon his name
Because I know God will listen
To someone who is in vain

He plays a very significant role
In which we can rely on
There are things that we cannot open to our friends
But to God, he is your best friend

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Second to God is my family
They will never leave me
When I am jobless they supported me
Take care, understand, and love me wholeheartedly

They are my strength and my joy
Helping one another and enjoy
Give us courage and determination
Because we know God give us consolation

The family that eats together
Will become stronger
In facing obstacles and barriers
Which makes everyone holding on forever

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Whenever I have a problem
I know who is my real friend
They are very much concerned
About the status of my dream

I have so many friends
Whenever there are family occasions
They will ask my presence and companion
Because I am part of the celebration

Lately I have an invitation
Her family is having a mother’s day celebration
They will come out for dinner
Without her presence I will be there

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Thank you very much and God bless!


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