5minute Freewrite - Toilet


We were on vacation with my family in sightseeing a castle in an old town when I suddenly felt the urge to poop.

The pressure in my abdomen was quickly building up to the point I thought I'm going to do it right then and there.

I excused myself to my wife and children and ran to find the nearest toilet with my legs slightly crossed so as to make sure to keep everything where it should be and not make a mess.

I sped down the granite stairs when I saw the sign ”Toilette” alongside an arrow pointing left.

I followed the arrow and on the end of a 30 feet (10m) hallway there was yet another sign ”Toilette” and yet another arrow alongside it.

I cursed everything sacred in the universe and I ran toward the next turn.

At last; I had visual of the ”Toilette” sign with no arrows to be found.

I shoved open the doors of the uni-sex toilet only to find – not a toilet – but a hole in the floor.

I cursed the universe yet again; pulled down my trousers and squatted like a slav.

My aim was bad, I admit, but the deed was done and the day saved.

Ding. Time is up.

Thanks for reading!


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