White Cat - 5 Minute Free Write Prompt Challenge

We had a white cat with the longest hair I’d ever seen. His name was Zero. My daughter named him after her favorite movie animal in, A Nightmare Before Christmas. Zero acted more like a dog than anything. He absolutely loved being groomed and it’s sure a good thing.

White Cat.jpg
Not our cat

One day while I was at work, the kids decided to dye Easter eggs,. Boy was I surprised when I got home and saw a polka dotted cat. He must have been five colors, with spots as big as oranges. That’s not even the crazy part. Turns out he loved the process and would beg for more. From there on out, Zero had a new hairdo every month. Who would’ve believed it?

He lived to be a be speckled 17 years old. I sure wish I could find some pictures of him. I know there must be a ton of them packed away somewhere around here. (Back before the digital age) What a pretty boy he was. He’ll always have a place in my heart.

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