My Aunt at 99-my freewrite Poem


A ridiculous amount of fun ~ My Freewrite Poem

My Aunt at 99

When my favorite aunt turned 99
I though we should get her checked with the doctors to see if everything was fine
So when the doctor came over he ran all the test
and tried his best to see if everything was all right
Then he said though everything is fine but what makes her face so bright
and it lights up the room like the Sunshine
it looks like a case that you are having a ridiculous amount of fun

So are you eating your beans soaked in brine?
Brine? Is that how you want to eat your beans when you turn 99
not me said my Aunt with her beautiful grin
for me eating beans in brine is the biggest sin
I like my beans with a Bun and a glass full of Wine
The first glass is for the beans and the second for the bun
and I thank god for letting me have a ridiculous amount of fun under the golden Sun

So when I think of myself turning 99 I think I am quite young
and can have a ridiculous amount of fun before I turn senile
and you do not treat me as if I am 99
at heart I am a girl who has just turned 9

This poem is in response to @mariannewest/day-190-5-minute-freewrite-friday-prompt-a-ridiculous-amount-of-fun

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