Fingers Speak - Day 7 Freewrite Celebration Contest

Fingers Speak

Just five fingers on each hand,
Five perfect fingers to touch, handle
to feel.

Feel the soft cheek of a child.
Feel the petals of a rose.
Feel the silky fur of a pet,
the smooth muzze of a horse.

Feel the course grain of wood.
Or wipe a stray tear of remorse.

Five fingers,
two hands gifted to create.

Create a home cooked meal,
paint a work of art,
sketch a landscape or a bird.
or place a single word.

Five small digits
to pound a nail,
build a city or a home.

Five fingers
to hold a weapon to cut down life,
shoot a gun
or pull a bowstring
sending arrows to a mark.

Five fingers to strum an instrument
flooding music to our ears.

Five powerful fingers,
That separate us here.

Five small fingers
to share deep love,
or fill a soul with fear.


This is my 5 minute freewrite hosted by @mariannewest. The prompt is fingers Day 7 - Selfie Freewrite Celebration Contest

I hope you'll join in with a growing group of lively frreewriters!


Click the graphic to join the fun

And join us at the Isle of Write in the freewriter - retreat

art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics

The Make a Minnow project is an initiative designed to reward those who are exceptional in the minnowsupport community, the prize is a 5k delegation for one month!


Logo by @Bembelmaniac


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