Weekend Challenge 5 Minute Freewrite

Weekend 5 Minute Freewrite - This is my 3 Prompt Challenge issued by @marrianewest
Check the original post here: Weekend Challenge

There she was, Amy Gerstein, over by the pool, kissing my father.

I pictured Mom's face, her laughing eyes when we arrived at Niagra Falls two summers ago. Mom and Dad held hands walking to the fence to view the majesty off this natural wonder together.

Amy was what the world classified as beautiful. Slim and full breasted in a salmon bikini. Gucci sunglasses and a billowy sarong. She moved with easy confidence and a catlike grace and I hated her for all her kiss represented to my once ordered life.

I moved toward the pool and dived in, swimming, swimming....letting the insulating quiet of its chlorinated water wash over my smarting soul.


Change was brewing, major change, and my senior year would be the hardest ever, dividing my time between dad's apartment with Amy and home with Mom who hid her emotions as she packed away photos of the family that included Dad.

The bare spots on the wall where the photos once rested were lighter, silent testament that someone was missing.

I surfaced for air, gasping after the long submerge and rolled on my back, floating where the water drew me.

On the following Friday, We packed our bags and planned our escape. Mom was ready for a trip and called to make sure we hadn't forgotten anything.

I slipped into the passenger seat beside her. She rested her hands on the wheel, looking strait ahead and smiled tentatively at me.

"This is our first new adventure!"

She looked pretty, and tired.
"Ok, Mom...all set."

The resort was beautiful and Mom walked briskly to the desk to check us in as soon as we arrived.

"Reservation for two," she said.

As she walked, her heels tapped across the lobby. Several men turned to appreciate her shapely legs peeking out of a flowing sundress.

I suddenly felt invisible where I once felt part of an insulated unit.

Our bargain resort became a series of unfortunate events. The AC was sputtering and the room stifling hot. By my bed was a long ugly stain on the wall. The bell boy apologized for the AC and set off to get someone to fix it.

Mom walked slowly to the bathroom and closed the door quietly. The sun was setting outside the window and I heard laughter outside by the pool bar. I sat on the bed and studied the colors of the spreading stain, wondering if Mom would come out of the bathroom with swollen eyes again.

"Mom, I'll meet you at the pool," I said as I slipped out of the stained room.


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