Day 189: 5 Minute Freewrite: Thursday-Prompt: cane and free: Freewrite Freedom

Day 189: 5 Minute Freewrite Challenge initiated by @mariannewest. Thursday-Prompt: cane and free


She couldn't take it anymore, even though her knee was sore,
She was curious as a cat; you know what they say about that.
She began the two block walk, passing the tall corn stalk.
She was thankful for her cane, and that it did not rain.

She knew she was on the right street, it was not an easy feat,
And wondered why they changed the name, to Freewrite Lane.
She arrived at the house, and being quiet as a mouse,
She looked through the window pane, and searched in vain.

She made a frightful face, and pulled out her mace,
When she saw the strange squirrel, doing a twirl.
Stranger yet, it was purple in color; Oh, brother.
She began to wonder, if she was sane or insane.

She walked to the door; she needed to know more,
She thought, "What the hell," and rang the bell.
The door opened on its own, and she heard something moan,
Still, she crossed the threshold; man, she was bold.

She had not known, that she just entered the Freewrite Zone.
She traveled to the 4th and 5th dimension, with infinite comprehension.
She heard the silence talk, and she was able to walk,
200 years in the past and future, without needing one suture.

She touched the untouchable, and saw the unimaginable,
After seeing things in a different light, she felt the sudden urge to write.
Freedom of expression without suppression, is to free your mind, of the earthly kind.
Marie was now free by decree, and it was time to rejoice; for she now had a choice.

To refrain and stay mainly on the plain, or let herself go; against the flow, and without the use of her cane.

My awesome badge was made by @fireawaymarmot and personalized by @omra-sky. Thank you!

My cute gif is brought to you by @snook. Thank you!

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