Day 249: 5 Minute Freewrie: Monday-Prompt: bath and summer

Day 249: 5 Minute Freewrite Challenge initiated by @mariannewest. Monday-Prompt: bath and summer

Perfect Bird Bath

Taking care of my feathers is a must, to remove parasites, dirt and dust.
Parasites make me extremely annoyed, because my feathers would then be destroyed.
I will die, if I cannot fly.

I spend hours each day to preen, because I have good hygiene.
My preen oil keeps my feathers flexible and strong, the way they belong,
So they won't become brittle and break, for goodness sake.
I align each of my feathers just right, to use less energy during each flight.

Before I preen, I need a bath ; my favorite spot is down the rocky path.
During spring and summer it's the perfect place, for a fresh drink and to wash my face.
A shallow puddle after the rain, nothing to lose and everything to gain.
I jump in and my wings I spread, splashing water over my body, tail and head.

Now I can remove my tight feathers of old, from the new ones to behold.
After each preen I have a healthy sheen,
To attract a strong mate, and copulate.
My perfect puddle down the rocky path, is always there for my perfect bath.

These small rocks are on my driveway and birds gather in the puddles to take a bath after it rains.

Image Source: 100% own work.

My awesome badge was made by @fireawaymarmot and personalized by @omra-sky. Thank you!

My cute gif is brought to you by @snook. Thank you!

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