Day 62: 5 Minute Freewrite- Prompt: nose hair

Day 62: 5 Minute Freewrite Challenge initiated by @mariannewest Prompt: nose hair

I was out and about deciding where I wanted to go. The weather is usually a factor, but this day was warm and sunny with a nice breeze making my possibilities endless. Usually I like to be among the wide array of brightly colored flowers. However, this day was different because I wanted to go on an adventure. Wandering around free as a bird, I ended up at the entrance of a tunnel and I went in without a care in the world. After I was in I knew pretty fast that I made a big mistake. It was dark and I got stuck. To make matters worse, a cyclone hit. What a noisy whirlwind but somehow I managed to get out. That is when I decided to go back to the meadow where I usually go, where the beautiful flowers are endless; where I feel like I am home.

Oh, I almost forgot to tell you that I now know the crazy name of that dark tunnel. It is called "Nose Hair" and I was stuck in the filter. Try to imagine what it was like for me, little 'ole Pollen, to get stuck in that "Nose Hair Tunnel." Thank goodness the Ah-Choo Cyclone set me free.

Image Source: 100% own work. I took this photo of my neighbor's Never Die flowers.

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