Day 69: 5 Minute Freewrite- Prompt: grounding

Day 69: 5 Minute Freewrite Challenge initiated by @mariannewest Prompt: grounding

Another planet with symbols was found that looked much like earth. It was named "Derange."

These were the symbols: a donkey, a stairway, a field with patches of grass, a shovel, a locket

An analyst was thinking out loud while trying to decipher the symbols. "There was intelligent life on this planet because they used tools like a shovel. The donkey represents helping to pull larger items that were used to build the stairway. The donkey was also used to pull larger tools to cultivate the field where the grass is growing. Maybe they were also trying to grow food. The locket represents an ornamental object worn as a symbol for their tribe."

The head analyst couldn't take it any longer. He was the boss for over 20 years which gave him grounding and confidence that his analyses was correct.

Databoy yelled, "You ass! Stairway into space and look at Derange, where the deer and the antelope play. They planet seeds where the grass now grows. One used a shovel to dig a hole to bury the found treasure. One threw the treasure chest so hard that he locket. Dismay explain the language "Slang" used on planet Derange."

Disclaimer: I had to do a lot of "polishing" after this was written.

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