Day 88: 5 Minute Freewrite: Monday-Prompt: stranded on the sofa like whales with a plankton's indigestion

Day 88: 5 Minute Freewrite Challenege initiated by @mariannewest. Monday-Prompt: stranded on the sofa like whales with a plankton's indigestion

I invited a friend over for an all you can eat Smelt dinner. Smelt is a small fish; the size of a minnow, and they are delicious...always teasing your taste buds like potato chips, because you can't eat just one. I had a suspicion that my friend was a descendant of a fish family; why else would her name be @ snook. I used to fish for Snook for sport, and I also loved eating them. Knowing that Snook fish like to eat smaller fish, I feed her Smelt to confirm my suspicions. I was right because she couldn't eat them fast enough. She ate 4 to my 1, and then she began to swallow them whole. After hours of slaving over the deep fryer and both of us with swollen bellies, we went to the living room to rest. We shared the sofa and talked about our love for the Cove called, "SteemWrite" which is located in the vast Steemit Ocean. We both shared our mixed feelings about whales, and also our desire to become one.

Lo and behold, I watched as her fairy wings appeared and then became fins. Her fun demeanor turned into a strong, fighting spirit. Oh no...I ate her family members! My anguish turned parts of my body into red welts; which then produced fins of my own, which was totally unexpected. But, I was a smaller fish and I wondered if @snook would now eat me alive; paybacks can be hell. Fish tails replaced our feet and with our bellies overloaded with Smelt, we found ourselves stranded on the sofa like whales with a plankton's indigestion. Then for a short period of time we became whales and understood the purpose of the SteemWrite Cove; to help all of the smaller fish who are desperately swimming against the current, and giving them the desire and strength to continue on.

Food for thought: Are you a whale that keeps all of the plankton for yourself...OR...are you a whale that shares the plankton to make others strong, like you.

Thank you for helping the Freewrite Community @stellabelle!

Disclaimer: It took me longer than 5 minutes to write this.

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This gif has been brought to you by @snook. Thank you!

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