Weekend Freewrite 05/12/2018-Single Prompt Option: late

Weekend Freewrite 05/12/2018 initiated by @mariannewest- Single Prompt Option- late

Always Late

Kate, sure did know how to infuriate.
With her, it's hurry up and wait,
Because Kate was always late.

While getting ready for her date,
Her heart began to palpitate.
She had no choice, but to hesitate.
Then, everything began to resonate.

First she had to urinate,
And her stomach began to agitate.
Diarrhea next, caused the toilet to contaminate.
Then, the toilet she had to sanitate,
Before taking Kaopectate.
No, she didn't wait for it to take.
Rushing, was a big mistake,
Another potty round, would indicate.

At any rate...her new clean slate,
To be on time; not late,
Began badly, right out of the gate.
Always late, would be Kate's fate.

Image Source: allthetropes.org

My awesome badge was made by @fireawaymarmot and personalized by @omra-sky. Thank you!

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