
Photo courtesy of VIA

This is the closest thing we have to a trolley in San Antonio Texas. No tracks in the road and no cables overhead. I think it drives around in a circle around downtown San Antonio. People hop on and off as they get to their sightseeing destination. I had to ride it once to get from Hemisfair Park to El Mercado, about two miles. It was a very hot day, or I would have walked. Who am I kidding, the only place I would walk to is a donut shoppe, and that's from the handicap parking space out front. Our public transportation system here sucks, loses money every year. I'm lucky if I see three people on the bus, when it goes by. The only time I ride the bus is during Fiesta, I use the park 'n ride to get to and from N.I.O.S.A. every year. The price is $5.00 round trip, during special events. It's about the only time of the year that you'll see a full bus in San Antonio.

Story and photo by Bruni



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