My mamma was and is the most important person in my life.
When mamma was alive, I called her everyday, once in the morning and then again on my way home from my girlfriends' house, at night.
I still call my mamma's house everyday, but now I talk to my sister.
My ringers on my phone are my mamma's voice, one for my brother, one for my older sister, and one for my other sister.
My screen saver is my mamma's picture.
I think of mamma constantly and she is the center of my life.
WWMD ~ What would mamma do?
Sunday will be hard for me as I make my visit to Fort Sam National Cemetery for Mother's Day.
I'm not obsessed with my mamma, I just miss her.
Love your mother while you can, or you may end up like me!
Story and photos by Bruni
@fireawaymarmot artist