A Toddler at Church - Day 117: 5 Minute Freewrite: Tuesday - Prompt: church


A Toddler at Church

He sat in the center of a row of people in a large dome of silence. He pulled at his collar. The shirt pinched his neck near the button and it felt much too tight. A cough echoed from the back of the room. He strained to see. His grandmother met his gaze. He turned quickly and stared at his shoes. They made his feet hurt and he wished to take them off.

His sister squirmed in his dad's lap. She wanted to leave too. She slid on his lap trying to reach the ground. Dad pulled her up and plopped her back down. She let out a small whimper and then a scream.

A lady wearing a blue bonnet turned and reached for his sister's face. The little girl sucked in as a tear rolled down her face. The woman blew a kiss and the boy followed its path to his sister's face. She laughed.

He kicked up his legs and his dad pushed them down. Five minutes in and an hour to go. The boy wondered why they were sitting in this strange place.


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Cheers! @wordymouth


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