Day 216: 5 Minute Freewrite: Wednesday - Prompt: Wire

Day 10 - Selfie Freewrite Celebration Contest - Prize 60.789 SBD


This is my entry for the Day 10 - Selfie Freewrite Celebration Contest - Prize 60.789 SBD, hosted by @freewritehouse.

You can also find today’s freewrite prompt by going here: Day 216: 5 Minute Freewrite: Wednesday - Prompt: wire, hosted by @mariannewest.

Today’s prompt threw me through a loop because I had to decide what a wire was, and what kind of wire to use in the picture. The first thing I thought of was a bird on a wire. Maybe I could take a picture of me and make myself a bird?

Then I thought of barbed wire. But I don’t know where there would be any. So, then I thought my hubby has some saved up wire, but then I thought he saves everything. So, it this considered a wire, or is it a cable, or perhaps a cord?

It is getting very intense with the selfie competition. I don’t want to be disqualified for having a cord in the picture and not a wire. I saw @snook put a wire hanger which was very clever. But I didn’t want to steal her idea as tempting as that may be.

Then I thought of live wire, those wires from the electric box you should never touch… which led to the song “Live Wire” from Motley Crue and I thought, to this day I never understood many of those lyrics.

So, I went back to the spare room that houses all our left-over computer parts and hoped that these would be considered wires. There’s so many kinds of wire.

If I had some chicken wire I would have used some of that. But I know my time is running out and I am down to the wire….


Thanks for Reading!

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Thanks to @snook for this super cool gif!

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