Fun With Tags

brought to you by brisby

Are You Checking Your Tags?


      So, we've finished our post. It's full of everything we want to say (or what we could fit into 5 minutes 😉), has a photo, and is complete with a catchy title.

      Now we just have to decide what tags to use.

      Choosing the proper tags for our posts is important for many reasons. On the blockchain, they're used for categorizing, sorting and labeling content to facilitate browsing. For example, using #freewrite makes it so that our fantastic stories and related fun can be found easily. Typically there is a limit of 5 tags, although posting from platforms like Steepshot allows for more. The first tag used will be what category the post will be placed under. Once posted, it can't be changed like the others can.

      There are general tags, such as #story, #contest, and #humor. Posts within these tags can cover a broad range from which to narrow down your search. Other tags are used for specific contests or communities, for example: #freewritehouse (shameless plug 😎), #isleofwrite, and #thealliance. The use of these sorts of tags are to aid those involved in the contest or community locate posts relevant to their interests.

      It's important to use tags that pertain to what the post is about. Not only so that those interested in the topic will be the ones reading it but so that the author doesn't receive a flag for tag spamming. Yes, that is a thing. The #introduceyourself is just one of the tags that has users abuse it in hopes to get higher visibility for their work. There are many who scrutinize tag use and will call out those who consistently post irrelevant material. So, don't do it. 😁


So, Where's the Fun?

      Ever get to the end of reading or watching a post and find an extra laugh hidden within the tags? A final joke made on the way out of the door? Many of the freewriters like to use their fourth and fifth tag to have some fun. After all, why not? It may not hit the trending tag list, but sometimes, that isn't the point.

      Yes, using all the proper tags will increase the chances of a post being seen and read by as many people as possible. But, we're all about creativity and enjoyment here in the Freewrite House! So, if you're ever stuck on what to use for your final tag, try making one up! Maybe it will catch on and others will jump in on using it. Also, you'll be able to see how closely the readers pay attention! 😉 After some of the tag examples below, the responses were priceless!

A few tags from @omra-sky's, @snook's, and @brisby's posts.

      What great tags have you seen? Any ideas for fun ones to use? Let us know!


Join the Freewrite daily prompt


And join us at the Isle of Write in the freewriter - retreat

art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics

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