The Over 100 Club Saga ~ The whole Story?

One simple question.
What would you like to see in the Over 100 Club?
When Freewriters get asked a simple question the answer is?

It's Complicated. Very.

Grab some soda, popcorn, Jujubes while sitting back in your favorite chair and enjoy the ride so far!

The Start

"Not sure how you could make it special as such. Perhaps we get to wear a crown for a week, or get driven around in a gold-plated limousine by @mariannewest, with @snook in the passenger seat singing a song about writing 100 freewrites..."


"but.....but......but.......I don't know how to REALLY sing........ can we just make it I sit in the back and talk their ears off? Now THAT I'm sure I could do.......

that way the ride will be shorter as most after 3 minutes of me rambling will jump out of the car all on their own :D "

"Oh, but you would make up such a great little song, I am sure! :)"


"That was just a very, very SNEAKY comment my wonderful Friend"


I think.......and this is just off the top of my head ........after reading's comment and at @freedontowrite's is my idea.

Bruce and Stacie D. together, well, they live in different countries, so kind of together.......go out and they interview the person that is picked that wrote 100000000000 freewrites, or 100.....take your choice......and they, the 2 of them, have to make a post together, well, Bruce and Stacie are both married so NOT TOGETHER...........but hmmmmm know, would have to.....type to each other in a friendly manner and make a post about........

what ever it is that I'm commenting on.......I ran out of cigarettes and I'm seeing that my concentration is a bit lacking......

so your job is to decipher the clues in this comment as to what I think should be done about whatever it is we are talking about.

and to answer your question(s)......... NO


hugs ~

"Out of cigarettes????

Lol! That's quite a story you have worked out. Could pitch the idea to Netflix and see if we can make a documentary film of us basically traveling around chatting shit to freewriters. They might go for it.

We've got the title song now. Just need the gold plated limo..."


"Yes, pitch it! If Netflix goes for it, we can take their money, buy the gold plated limo, the best outside speakers money can buy, and gold plated earplugs for @pixiehunter! We might even be able to pay @mariannewest to drive and @snook for her singing...because I need it live! I'd also like to bring @freedompoint for good talking points and security."

I'll get on it! :)


"How are negotiations going with Netflix's?" :D

"Badly. They love the idea, but want George Clooney driving the gold plated limo (@mariannewest is out) Brad Pitt and Johnny Depp doing the interviewing (so that is me and @freedomtowrite out). They love the speakers on the outside of the car and still want you to sit in the backseat singing. I told them there is no way you'd agree to do it without the rest of us (even if they did offer that kind of money)"


"You ARE correct because you guys are the only ones that like how I sing LOLLLLLLLLLLLL"


"I'm extremely loyal...there's noway I'd budge on this!
Just between us, how much are they offering?"

"Several million. But they only want @snook. The rest of us are redundant, apparently."


Dear Net, George, Brad, and Johnny,

I'm sorry to say that your idea just plain SUX's. You see the Freewriters all stick together and no one can compare to a Freewriter. No ONE! so you are not welcome in the car, bus or plane unless you have written over 100 Freewrites and then only as a guest.

You see & @freedomtowrite are the only ones I want telling people's stories. They are the perfect pair to work together because their writing is beyond compare.

and now add a bunch of other REALLY wonderful things in here but if you four cannot see how wonderful they REALLY are then you didn't take the time to do your research.

Now, either do your research and take the original deal or we will just go to HBO and start talking to them.


"But... what if they join the freewriting group? It only takes five minutes to qualify!"


"are you using LOGIC on me? that's a dirty trick!
but that is why I added in the 2nd paragraph"......... :D

You see & @freedomtowrite are the only ones I want telling people's stories.

"LOL! That'll teach me to try to use logic on @snook!"

Part 2


It was just before midnight. The house had finally become quiet. The TV speakers off, from Snook's husband, finally going to bed.

Thoughts were whirling, whirling, in her head. Snook paced back and forth while contemplating her next move. She knew what needed to be done but wasn't sure if she was up to the task.

Looking at the whiteboard once again, at what the Medium wrote when she had stopped by last Wednesday, made her stop in her tracks. Looking at the whiteboard from the new angle she found herself in, there was a whole new set of words written there.

Snook shook her head while heading back into the kitchen. Proceeded to whip up some brand cupcakes.

Cupcakes baking, she then made her special brown butter frosting. If she had to have more brand in her diet it was going to darn well taste good she thought!

Cupcakes done, she arranged them all together so they looked like a cake. Frosting a cake was much faster than having to do each individual cupcake all on its own plus this way they all had more frosting on too! Yum!

Setting two aside, well, maybe three, the rest got wrapped up in a fancy old cookie tin.

Snook glanced at the heavens above and just said one word, a question really. Knowing what the answer was going to be, she grabbed her black cape, the tin, her cigarettes, and two lighters because you never know when one is going to go dead.

Getting out of the car, after a three-hour drive, she stretched and groaned thinking, I'm way too old for this!! Knowing she only had so much time before it was too late she didn't have time to dwell on it.

Hood up to cover her white, white hair she started to scout around the woods, needing to find the trail to the witches house.

Now Jasmina and she were friends but that freaking monkey was another thing. How that woman could live with that creepy primate, who needed to be bathed and deodorized every time she stopped by, she didn't know.

Desperate times called for making brand cupcakes and seeing things through, thought Snook as she shook her head once more.

Lucky for her Jasmina was outside picking the last apples off the tree for the year and so far not a monkey in sight.

Jasmina greeted Snook as she always did with a smile the size of the moon which always made Snook feel guilty because she doesn't get out to see Jasmina as much as she would like.

As if on cue Grover jumped over to the tree. As fast, as fast, Snook whipped one of those cupcakes right at him. Well, to be honest, past him. Grover jumped from the tree and went off in search of the tasty treat he knew was waiting for him.

Jasmina giggling waved Snook into the house while she poured tea for them both and grabbed a cupcake for herself.

Now here I will say Snook tried to warn her about the brand in the cupcakes but Jasmina just waved her hand dismissing all that was said and took a huge bite out of that cupcake annnnnnnnd...........

Things went a bit downhill from there.

Snook lite a cigarette while waiting for Jasmina to end her tirade of why a friend, A FRIEND! would bring someone brand cupcakes!

Three cigarettes later, Snook finally had enough and quietly said to Jasmina, "I'm sorry but it's what the Doctor told me I need to eat. I don't like them any better than you but I want you to live longer too! So eat the damn things and stop complaining when a friend brings you treats!"

Jasmina and Snook both rolled their eyes and proceeded to laugh until they cried.

Snook then went on to explain all that had happened at the @freewritehouse. How The Over 100 Club wanted to get on Netflix. How they said no to having @mariannewest, @freedomtowrite and

Just as Snook started to whine about George, Brad, and Johnny wanting a piece of the pie, Grover came in the door with a look on his face that had both Jasmina and Snook cracking up once again!

It seemed Grover didn't like brand cupcakes either.

By now the sun was rising in the East and it was time for Jasmina to sleep. She told Snook not to worry she would be calling upon as soon as night came.

Hugs were had and off Snook went to drive the three hours home, knowing the problem was in good hands.

Felt.Buzz was trying to eat his dinner, when he felt his phone buzzing (did you see what I did there?).

"Hello?" he said, with a mouth full of curry.

"Are you eating, again?" It was Jasmina, @Snook's crazy friend with the monkey. Felt.Buzz groaned, internally. What kind of mess, was Snook getting him into now?

"Did you just groan in your head?" Jasmina said. Felt.Buzz swore the woman was a witch.

"No," Felt.Buzz lied, badly. "I just did a little happy dance when I heard your voice, Jazzy."

"Please don't EVER call me Jazzy again, Buzzy or I'll put my broomstick so far up your ass I'll be sweeping the filth right out of your brain."

Nice. Felt.Buzz tried not to groan internally again.

"Snook was filling me in on the little problem you've been having with George and co. You need some help, little man?"

"Errr," Felt.Buzz said, wondering how he was going to convince Jasmina that he had the George and co thing covered. The last thing he needed was that woman "helping" him.

"Only, George owes me a few favours, so if you need me to talk to him for you."

"Yeah," Felt.Buzz said. What possible harm could a bit of talking do? "Why not?"

"Good, I'll be over in a minute and pick you up."

"Errr," said Felt.Buzz, desperately trying to think up an excuse. "I can't go out. I fell out of a window, and broke my legs..."

From behind him, he heard a pop!

"You look alright to me, darling," Jasmina said, standing right there, broomstick in hand. Beside her that bloody monkey jumped up and down, laughing. "You wouldn't be trying to lie to your Auntie Jasmina, would you?"

Felt.Buzz swallowed hard and shook his head.

"No," he said. "I really wouldn't do that." Behind Jasmina, the monkey stuck his middle finger up at Felt.Buzz

"Come on then," Jasmina said. "Let's go and get the others."

"The others?" Felt.Buzz said.

"Yep. Lets pop over to @freedomtowrite's house: she's got more balls than you, and a damn sight more brains too...."

And with another Pop! Felt.Buzz, Jasmina and the irritating monkey disappeared...

@freedomtowrite over to you!


Freedomtowrite sat comfortably in her lounge chair cuddling her Yeti husband. They just started watching a brand new movie, when Felt.Buzz and Jasmina popped suddenly in front of their T.V.

Immediately Felt.Buzz showered the room with profanities, and keeled over to vomit. Quickly Freedomtowrite grabbed!

"I hate popping!" groaned as he wiped his mouth with his shirtsleeve.

"Oh, darling! By the night's end you'll be used to it!" Jasmina said with a smile.

"Uhhh...who are these people?" the Yeti asked, looking at Freedomtowrite.

"Oh, these are my crazy friends from the Freewrite House! But I don't know why they're here..."

"Jasmina says she can help us with...uh..." he stumbled looking green again. "The problem with our Netflix idea, she says ol'Georgey boy owes her a few favours." (Get it...I spelled it with a u because is saying it!)

"Yay! I'm so disappointed in getting kicked out! Maybe there's a way to compromise! Let's go to the kitchen and try the scones I just made. The monkey looks hungry!"

"Yeah, let's worry about the monkey." said sarcastically.

"If only @mariannewest was here...she might have a good idea too..." Freedomtowrite said ignoring

Just like that, Mariannewest popped into the kitchen wearing her favorite hat and gardening gloves.

"Did someone call?" she asked looking unsurprised.

I'm tagging in @mariannewest!


She took off her gloves, dirt streaming out of them onto the clean kitchen floor and took in the situation.

"Felt" she said, you are off curry for a while. We are not going to get the deal with you looking green in the face and making a mess wherever you go. And gold-plated limousines are hard to keep clean as it is.

"Oh, hi, Yeti!" she called through the open door. "I didn't see you over there on the sofa. A word of advice. Tell @freedomtowrite to stop cooking curry. Obviously, we have people among us who need to eat nothing but Brand muffins for a while to keep themselves together."

"Jasmina, how much dirt do you have on him? I just came from the garden and I can bring a few more buckets of dirt along to force him into action!"

She turned and glared at the crowd - it sure seemed like a crowd in what looked like a usually well-organized kitchen. While everyone - including a green had been chowing down on scones, the monkey had rearranged quite a few of the shelves - but that wasn't our problem. Not now.

Marianne took off her hat since she can think better if her brain is a bit closer to the much-needed oxygen to penetrate her brain cells.

"Is that all you got? Popping around, turning green and eating?" She was shaking her head. What had she done! Inviting a witch to enter the freewrite who had nothing else to bring to the table then to blackmail an aging movie star.

And where is Snook? She is the one who has to sing. We need her here right now!!

Jasmine was only too eager to please. A little payback for bringing a tray of brand muffins disguised as a delicious looking cake to her house. With a loud cackle, she wooshed her wand through the air - and woosh -
here was @snook, in her nighty, ready to go to bed. She looked too surprised to say anything - and that means she was really, really, really surprised.

Marianne looked at the motley crew, sighing and trying to sound encouraging at the same time.

"Surely, we can come up with a better plan..."






Nothing but silence - even the monkey was sitting still, eying her. That might be because he was taking aim to hit her in the middle of the head with a brand muffing - at least that is what his eyes were saying.

Finally, a voice from the living room piped up.

"What do you want with Netflix anyway? Let them go to hell!!! Don't you people know about Dflix?"

An uncomfortable shuffling of feet and audible turning of gears in the brains of the assembled crowd was breaking the dead silence.

Marianne and Jasmina simultaneously started talking, both acting like that was their plan all along. They were a bit embarrassed that they hadn't recognized the star of countless Dflix movies sitting there on the couch.

In their defense, we expect stars to buy huge ranches in Montana and such. But who expects them to hide out on a homestead where it looks like actually work is being done. What has the world come to?

The monkey was laughing his head off. That damn animal had known all along...

@omra-sky - we saw you lurking - get us that contract and the limo.


"Omra-Sky?" groaned "I mean...his talent, charm, and good looks are undeniable; but, he's become such a self-centred arse(I think you get it now) ever since he hired that publicist."

"Exactly," MarianneWest retorted, "only someone important enough to have a publicist can help us now."


There in the kitchen stood @brisby. "Let me see if Mr. Sky is available." Pausing for a few seconds(and ignoring the eye rolls)..."I'm sorry, he's not available at the moment. Would you like to leave a message."

Snook looks confused, "I thought you were his publicist, why are you acting like his assistant?"

"Oh, he doesn't know what a publicist is, he just likes having one."

Snook nods to Jasmina...


Next to Brisby appears a surprised Omra-Sky with some kind of residue around his mouth.

"Is that curry?" demanded mariannewest.

Unable to answer due to a mouth full of guilt, he could only shake his head and shrug.

Pubrisbycist(?) to the rescue, "So, what can we help you with."

"Brand muffin(weren't these originally cupcakes?)?" a smiling snook offered.

"What brand?"

A throat clear
A cough

"Uh, all food has to go through my publicist." Omra-Sky had finally finished swallowing his guilt. He slid his muffin in front of Brisby.

As Brisby forced down two brand muffins, Omra-Sky listened intently in a montage of fade transitions showing him nod, raise an eyebrow, laugh, nod some more, and elbow Brisby.

"That sounds fantastic!" Clapped Omra-Sky. "I'm in!"

"Like bloody hell you're in, mate!" Cryeth thyne Englishman. "We're having enough trouble getting three of us in this limo."

Omra-Sky was very confident. "We'll see about that. Brisby, you want to take care of this?"

"But that's an agents job."

"Ah, I trust you. Jasmina? Your pop thing, please."

Jasmina did not look amused. Glancing at Snook, "Should I get rid of him, too?"

"Let's keep him around a little longer."


And off Brisby went to negotiate.

"Hello, I'm freedomtowrite, welcome to my home. I'd offer you a scone, but your publicist isn't here."

"Aw, she won't mind. Thanks!" Mr. Sky proceeds to shove a scone into his moon hole. "Freedomtowrite? Wait. You're the wife of the Yeti! I've seen some grainy, out-of-focus videos of him."

...And so the freewriters waited. Waited for @Brisby to finish her negotiation...

I hope you're game, bris! No pressure!


Hours had passed for as everyone waited for Brisby to negotiate the contracts.

Frustrated by his futile attempts to explain to Omra-Sky that those low quality videos weren't of him, the Yeti had left the room to grab some fresh air and some of his wife's scones.

At the kitchen table, three of the group were playing a rather heated game of Gleek. In the centre (waggles eyebrows at Felt.Buzz) was the current betting pot, Marianne’s hat, Jasmina’s broom and Felt.Buzz’s precious copy of Arseholes and Elbows (a reference book he carried on him at all times.)

“Finally!”, Jasmina exclaimed as she rolled her eyes. "Took her long enough."


Brisby was suddenly sitting on the kitchen counter, slurping a purple slushy and holding a bag of popcorn. A few bags and an elegant black box tied with a white satin ribbon were tucked under her arm.

Snook, having fallen asleep cuddling a yellow coloured (more eyebrow waggling) duck pillow, was startled awake at the popping sound! Her legs shot out in surprise and kicked the also sleeping Grover off of the recliner. Pissed at being woken so rudely, he started running around the room and screeching.

Freedomtowrite, taking in the smug looking publicist, looked over at Jasmina, “Did you send her her to get the contracts,or to go shopping?”

Brisby answered for the witch. “Oh, she did! And we’ve got a deal…” Loud woots and excited chatter cut off the rest of her sentence. Over the din, she shouted, “But! There are a few conditions!”

Snook paused, the words registering mid woot, “Conditions?”

Brisby handed MarianneWest a pile of papers, thinking back over her long night.


Brisby appeared in the boardroom of the DFlix studios, “Good evening important peoples and whatnots!”

Her sudden appearance in the room launched a few people out of their red lounge chairs and while one man with glasses that made him look like an owl stood and demanded, “Who the hell are you? How did you get in here?”

“I’m Omra-Sky’s pubrisbycist and I want to tell you all about the fantastic ideas the Freewrite House’s Over 100 Club has to offer you! And, as you saw, I popped in.”

Mr. Owl Man held up his hand. “Wait! What kind of cyst are you?”

Distracted a bit by what she saw in the corner of the room, Brisby answered, “A pubrisbycist. I’m Mr. Sky’s publicist, gopher, scapegoat, and food taster.” She thought for a moment then added, “Though the latter was just recently added to my duties, damn Brand muffins.”

“Brand muffins…this is ridiculous! I’m calling security!” Owl man made to reach for the phone but was stopped by a hand on top of his. Looking up, he was suddenly entaranced by a pair of glasses with black and white swirls spinning around .

Brisby smiled confidently at Mr. Owl, mentally thanking Brand cereal’s hypno-glasses. (Free with 10 box tops and $4.99 shipping and handling!) “No need for security. Now, let’s talk deals and, is that really a combination popcorn maker/slushie machine I see over there in the corner?”

MarianneWest looked over the contract. “It says here that the gold-plated limo is on its way. It just needs to make a few stops after the driver picks up @deaconlee. Also, we need to have it back by noon because some guy in a Godzilla costume is going to be using it for one of his rap videos.” She stopped, read a bit and asked, “What’s this bit about a required wardrobe?”

Brisby grinned. “That’s for Omra. Once I told them what a talented and charming man he is, they made him being the face for one of their product launches a stipulation.” She handed the black box over to a preening Omra-Sky and said, “Here. Go put this on and hurry up. The limo should be here soon.”

He hurried down the hall while the others set about readying themselves. Bright lights soon flooded the room and a loud HONK sounded from the driveway.

From down the hall, the bathroom door slammed open and the infuriated voice of Omra-Sky yelled out,

“I’m NOT wearing this!”
Alarmed by the level of anger in his voice, Yeti looked over at the beaming Brisby, “What was in the box?”

His question went unanswered, as Brisby popped a piece of popcorn in her mouth. In a voice dripping with self-satisfaction she simply said, “I LOVE my job!”

Hmmm..the subtle train is ready for you @deaconlee!


Omra came down the hall walking a little bowlegged, he was wearing too tight bell bottom trousers that laced up in front and a Cracker Jack style pull over top with a flap that was silver lined, it was designed in the basic style of a Navy uniform except it was powder blue in color instead of navy blue and the scarf was satin white. The outfit was topped off with a cool yellow sailors hat, but instead of being round shaped it was square, the DFlix logo clearly visible in front. The kicker was the bright blue pimp daddy shoes with clear Plexiglas four inch heels, a small goldfish swimming in each heel. I look like one of the Village People who just returned from a snorkeling expedition to Jamaica, exclaimed Omra mournfully!

Hearing the belly laughs of the others and seeing his good friend in such distress, Felt went over and calmed him down and then whispered something in his ear, shaking his head affirmatively Felt motioned for Jasmina to follow and the three of them went back down the hall leaving the girls cackling with delighted laughter and not a few witty remarks from them followed after the retreating figures.

But the bedroom door had hardly closed before they heard Jasmina laughing and then poof. The girls were now looking at each other in shock, and Whatisnew with a bright pink diamond studded collar on was sitting on the kitchen table laughing like only cool cats can do. Strutting down the hall now was... Mr. T meets the Village People? Omra was now wearing several heavy gold chains around his neck along with gold rings filled with sparkling diamonds on each finger. If I'm going in like this I'm going in style he said, gazing around the room at his suddenly transformed friends he added, and you ladies are now my eye candy disco queens.

Only @whatisnew could do justice describing the transformation that had just taken place to the matrons of Freewrite, if you can get that cat to stop laughing long enough to write.


OMG! I couldn't stop laughing while looking at "The Alley Cats." Well, that was their name before they became "Charlie's Angels" and now they were @omra-sky's Disco Devils. Jasmina really outdid herself.


There stood @snook. She was wearing a tight, bright red patent leather mini skirt with a matching sleeveless vest ( no blouse). Her platform shoes had pastel hearts inside her clear plexiglass heels. Her white hair was now blonde with the iconic Farrah Fawcett hairstyle. She couldn't stop saying, "Three's Company" and never shut up about her beloved Thighmaster. And on and on about how love means never having to say you're sorry. She wouldn't stop singing, "I Will Always Love you!" She stuck out her butt, placed her fingers on it and made a sizzling sound. She was hot stuff and that was her reasoning for singing "Hot Stuff." Apparently she couldn't keep her mind off of her bran muffins because she kept mumbling, "Nobody doesn't like Sara Lee." Her mood rings never changed colors...they just stayed clear. A true space cadet.


There was funky @brisby with her big hair (on her head), wearing a tight, purple pastel mini dress; a real foxy chick. Her purple swirled platform shoes had purple squirrels in the heels; she just couldn't go anywhere without those squirrels. It shouldn't surprise anyone that her mood rings always stayed purple. Her experience on The Love Boat must have had a lasting impression because she sang "Moonraker" with a twinkle in her eye to her so-called client @omra-sky. At first, I thought she was telling me to get off of the kitchen table when she yelled, "Get down and boogie!" but I soon realized that it was just something that she liked to say, repeatedly. Chewing her Dentyne gum like a cow chewing her cud, she wouldn't stop playing with her Slinky...toy, that is. I think she was more excited for the after party celebration, and was way too happy to bring her special made squirrely nuts. Warning! Eat them at your own risk.


There was the one of a kind @mariannewest, wearing her floral maxi skirt with a white, lacy, off the shoulder peasant style blouse, but no matching hat. This was the day for her to wear a Chauffeurs hat. Her platform shoes had garden vegetables and flowers inside the heels. She had a conversation with a tub of Parkay Margarine, trying to convince the margarine that it was butter, but that went nowhere. Marianne was missing her Datsun, but this was a special day and nothing else would do except for the gold-plated limo. She didn't dress the part but she was a true Wonder Woman. Her now, long straight hair was pulled back into a high ponytail and her mood rings were always so colorful, just like her personality. She was fascinated with her lava lamp and always talked about Happy Days, when they all burned their bras. "We've Only Just Begun" was the song she proudly sang to the freewriters.


Last, but not least, there stood @freedomtowrite with her flowing locks, wearing a bright, shiny yellow jumpsuit that looked like it was wet. Her platform shoes had pink books titled, "Lola's Story" inside the heels. Read on and you will know why the books are pink. Her jumpsuit probably was wet from all her crying and her mood rings changed many different colors. Lola was pregnant, causing many mood swings. Did you hear? Lola is having a baby girl. Her prayers were answered because if the baby was a boy, it could have very well been "The Son of a Preacher Man." She loved The Brady Bunch and her 8 track player only played, "The Way We Were."


My diamond studded pink collar and top hat was all I needed, but now I have the urge to Streak. I am always happy playing with my Super Ball and Pet Rock, and I love sleeping in my new water bed. Groovy. Now I can't stop saying, "I am woman...hear me roar!" And Lady Marmalade must have popped into my head because my fur was now "Itchi Gitchi Ya Ya Da Da" and "Itchi Gitchi Ya Ya Here."

What? My trucker buddies just contacted me on my CB radio. "Hey good buddy...what's your 20? Do you copy? 10-4 Good buddy." Listen up everyone! The gold-plated limousine has just arrived. I still don't know if it has loud speakers, but I am pretty sure that byn knows.

"And there you have it!"

"Have WHAT?"

"The answer of course!"


Just for you @mariannewest hugs

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