When Is Enough, Enough? | #FreeWrite [Quit]

There are two hundred people in this room
All are wearing a mask and a costume;
No one wants to be known—I assume,
Inhale.. Exhale.. It's not yet your doom.

Can someone remind me,
Why can't I just leave or flee;
Do I really need to see...
The temptress who broke my family?

I muster all my remaining strength,
This could not be his first, it might be his tenth;
So in the middle of two hundred people I went,
I don’t need to see his face—For I know his scent.

Happening in front of me was my dreaded scene,
That one thing you promised I'll never experience as your queen,
Now, the truth you're hiding can't be unseen,
Why did I play your game—I know I'd never win.

When is enough, enough?
My heart was crushed, I can't pretend I'm tough;
Quitting is not always a sign of defeat.
Sometimes you quit, so you can stand again on your feet.


“Sometimes deciding to quit something is the most remarkable bold and courageous thing you can do. If it’s not right for you, if it is sapping your spirit and not part of your ideal vision for your future, then it is something to quit and quit soon.”― Bernard Burchard

* Freewriting- is the practice of writing down all your thoughts without stopping, and without regard for spelling, grammar, or any of the usual rules for writing. It might include a topic (prompt) as a general guide, or it might not.
** Thank you @mariannewest for your initiative to run #freewrite, #freewritepoetry, #freewritepoetrydigest.

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