Fruits and Veggies Monday #32 | Golden Goodness Juice


Good morning Fellow Steemians!

This is my entry for @lenasveganliving’s Fruits and Veggies Monday Contest!

I first want to offer a warm thanks to @lenasveganliving for her hosting 32nd contest! I don’t know how she is able to choose a winner, so many luscious entries! And, thanks to our sponsors @progressivechef and @englishchrivy! This is such a great way to showcase our fabulous fruits and veggies while encouraging better health and eating!

I like to try to balance my morning juices with an even balance of fruits and vegetables. I have found this is a great way to jumpstart my day!

Today I am showcasing the Pineapple. Pineapples offer so many health benefits from reducing inflammation, boosting immunity, and aiding digestion. One prominent nutrient in the Pineapple is manganese. This promotes bone health. As we age, this is a crucial area to pay attention to! source

My entry today is a light and fresh tropical juice! I call it my….


Golden Goodness Juice!


• Pineapple
• 2 Apples
• Fresh ginger
• 1 Golden beet
• 1 Cucumber

Wash, peel and slice all.

Oh my goodness, isn’t that lovely?


Feel free to use your favorite blender or a juicer. I used my Omega Juicer this morning.

For those of you who juice, this is the pulp from my juicer! I hate wasting good fruit and vegetable nutrition.

So, fellow Steemians…

Hold on to this pulp! Stay tuned, I have some great ideas for you in my next post!



Golden Goodness on a Monday Morning!


I hope you enjoy this juice! Thanks again to @lenasveganliving for having this contest!

Best wishes to all entries!

And as always, blessings to all


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