What day is it? It is Fruits and Veggies Monday, my friends. - Croatian Style Italian Bruschettas.πŸ‡πŸπŸ‘πŸŒΈπŸ‘πŸπŸ‰


Croatian Style Italian Bruschetta's

I went to an Italian restaurant last night for dinner with some of my teammates. Like always Italians like to order appetizers before their main courses. Among a lot of different types of appetizers their usual choice is french fries or my personal favorite bruschetta. I love to order to some bruschettas before my main courses.

Bruschetta is a simple appetizer. You have warmed up bread in the oven covered with a mix of tomatoes, onion, olive oil, and seasoned with some pepper, salt, and oregano. I can tell you one thing. This is a simple dish but for me it is delicious. Especially if made with fresh ingredients. But, the health freak I am I always thought what I can use to replace the bread to make even more delicious and more healthy ingredient to fit my 95% vegan and 5% vegetarian lifestyle diet. So this is what I a came up with to replace the bread and take this dish to a whole another level. At least for me. You can be the judge. :)

Ingredients you need

So today, I will share with you my delicious recipe for homemade bruschettas Croatian style. lol It is really simple and filling recipe which anyone can truly make with ease. There is really not much work. So these are the ingredients you need:

  • Fresh tomatoes

  • Onions

  • Olive oil

  • Potatoes

  • Red Peppers

  • Plus the spices you like to use. I use paprika, oregano, pepper, and Himalayan salt.

This is not in any way fixed recipe. Use your imagination while cooking. Have fun with it. Cooking is fun and it can be very simple. Just like this recipe. One of my personal favorites to add to this recipe are Avocados.


The process

  • 1- Preheat the oven to about 160-180c. Start by simply washing and cutting the potatoes in about half an inch slices. You don't want them to be too thin or too thick. I like to eat my potatoes with skin so I wash the skin very thoroughly as the skin contains a lot of nutrient value. If you decide to eat the potatoes with skin try to get them from local markets or from the organic stores.
  • 2 - Place the sliced slices in the oven while using Himalayan salt and paprika as a spice on top of them. It will usually take 20 min for them to be finished depending on what kind of potatoes you used.
  • 3 - While potatoes baking in the oven. Slice up the tomatoes, onion, red pepper into tiny little cubes. Spice them up with some more Himalayan salt, pepper, and add oregano and olive oil to top it all off. Mix thoroughly so the tomatoes soak up all the amazingly flavored juice inside the bowl.
  • 4 - Wait for the potatoes to be done. Listen to some music. Relax. You have completed 95% of work already. Get some Bob Marley songs going. Enjoy cooking. :)


I know you are probably worrying about so much onion inside the bowl but trust me you will not even feel it as somehow the onion strong taste will be balances by tomatoes and olive oil. :)

Finishing it up.

After the potatoes are done. All that is the left for you to do is to place them on a plate and cover them up with the delicious mixture you made earlier and wholaa you have a delicious appetizer in front of you. Can it be simpler than this guys? Cooking can be simple, fun, delicious and healthy at the same time. Just like this appetizer Bruschettas.


If you are vegetarian you can also put cottage cheese on top of the potatoes before covering them with this amazingly flavored mixture of veggies. My friend Lena would not approve at all. lol Just in case you are looking to become vegan check out her amazing blog full of delicious vegan recipes.

Anway's guys, I truly you hope this post will encourage you to start cooking on your own. Cooking is fun, and it can be very simple and delicious. Plus no time consuming at all. With my busy basketball schedule, I am all about quick and delicious meals such as these Croatian Style Italian bruschettas. Let me know if you try this recipe. And no matter what have some fun with it. Make this recipe your own. Add ingredients and spices you like. Let you IMAGINATION run wild. Because what is fun in cooking if not experimenting with recipes. :)

Thank you for reading, have an amazing day, much love,

dbjegovic πŸ’“




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