Fruits and Veggies Monday - Pomegranate and Guavas

Fall is upon us and even in Southern California the colors in nature are changing. Pomegranate fruits are turning from green to a light blush of pink to finally arrive at a beautiful red.

Pomegranate_turn .jpg

At least that is true for the variety in my yard. I am pretty sure that it is a Wonderful Pomegranate bush. Wonderful is the variety mostly grown commercially and it is very good. But there are so many more varieties - even white ones! They are good for me since I always get the crimson red juice all over me when I prepare and eat this beautiful fruit.

If that happened to you before, you know that you were crying if you wore your best blouse. Those stains have a tendency to stick around!

Another fruit getting ready to be harvested are my favorite guavas. Again, I don't know the variety. It came in a pot and was labeled Mexican Guava. That really doesn't mean anything. So, I am calling it after myself when I give one of the many new plants away I have propagated from this beautiful mother tree. Marianne's yard variety. There you have it.


They can be eaten semi-green or when they are all cream colored. I like them when cream colored - they are soft and sweet.

This is what my kitchen looks like right now.


The box of organic apples came from my co-op delivery and is waiting to go into the fridge. They are galas and are so delicious.


The pomegranates and guavas are waiting to be processed (or eaten - whichever comes first). The bananas are almost ripe enough to be peeled and frozen to give some sweetness to a green smoothie. And the squash - the only vegetable in this picture - is waiting to be made into soup.


Did you see the cute little apple sitting on top of the box? That is the very first (and only) apple I harvested off one of my apple trees. You can check out a little post about this here.



One of the reasons I harvested all my pomegranates is this.


See this picture. It looks like two lovely fruit waiting for me to pick them.


But when I reached for them, I found this!!!!!!



It is the work of mean old rats!! Well, I don't know if they are old or if they are mean. I do know that they like to eat my fruit. All of it if they could. And I don't like that!!

That is why all the fruit left on the tree are now waiting to be prepared for freezing and to give a nice red color to future smoothies.

Do You Want to Show Off Your Fruits and Vegies?

Have you considered joining Lena's challenge? It is fun and it is fun to look at all the beautiful pictures people post. Check it out! Just click on the tag #fruitsandveggiesmonday

And a big THANK YOU to the creator @lenasveganliving

Update! I just found out that this post got me into Map28 contest originated by @rycharde . I am so stoked!! Please, check out Map project. You might want to join! Here is the post:


To vote for me, either upvote my comment under that post or leave a reply to my comment saying "vote" or do both.

If you already are a Mapster - you can also vote in discord in Map 28. all votes count!! So, please vote away :)

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