Gluten-free, Crunchy Chickpea Flour Crust Pizza Recipe - Super Yummy

I've tried many pizza crust recipes before and this chickpea flour crust is definitely the number one for me!

It's easy, quick, crunchy and healthy. What other benefits could a pizza have? 😊


Recipe (makes 3 pizza crusts):

2 cup chickpea flour (I ground dry chickpeas in the blender)
2 cups water
1/2 tsp sodium bicarbonate
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp dried basil (optional)

Place all the ingredients into a bowl and stir it well. Heat a nonstick skillet and pour 1/3 of the batter into it. Cook on low-medium heat until 20 minutes then flip it over and cook for another 10 minutes, just as if you would do pencakes.

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Once they are done, let them cool a little bit and they will become crunchy. Top it with tomato sauce and any kind of topping you like. Usually I just put some raw or sautaed veggies on top to keep it vegan :)


I always store a few of these crusts in the freezer, so I can grab one anytime when I'd like to have pizza. When I take it out from the freezer, I let it defrost at room temperature, then I usually put it in the oven for 10-15 min on 180 °C to make it crunchy again.

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