Figs and Indian Jujube

This is my entry for #fruitsandveggiesmonday initiated by @lenasveganliving

As an effort to eat healthy we decided to try a new variety of seasonally available local fruit every week.And this week its fig and Indian Jujube.

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I first heard about figs when a doctor adviced to eat them a lot😁 Yeah thats right.Before that I have never noticed or heard about this fruit😐
First I was not very impressed by its mushy texture but they are rich source of fibres,minerals and vitamins. And the taste is good too with its crunchy seeds.Figs are also preserved in dry form which I am yet to try.


The look alike of apple in the above picture is the Indian Jujube.This is also a seasonal fruit.They can also be pickled.They are rich in vit A and C.
I had to do a little research to find its english name.Here it is known as 'Ber'.It tasted like apple but the outer peel was a little bitter and the whole fruit has a kind of rancid smell.Or maybe because I don't know how to choose the best one.I don't think am going to buy it again😐

The orange coloured pieces are the very common Papaya.They are available throughout the year and my favorite eventhough they have a little unpleasant smell.I just love the seedless 'red lady' variety.Where I come from papaya trees are a common sight in our backyards.We also prepare dish from green/raw papaya to consume along with rice and curry.(I don't have a picture now.But will surely share when I prepare it next time)And if you can bear the smell of a fully ripe one just rub it on your face for that instant glow😉.

Thats it people.Eat a loooot of fruits and stay healthy

Happy Steeming

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