While exploring Japan, I came across a lot of "interesting" signage. I thought I would share as some of them gave me a good laugh, and some of them were very educational!
Just in case you don't know how to use the toilet properly, there are "how to use the toilet" signs in more than half the stalls I have been in. It is important to learn how to correctly sit on the toilet.
When I was eating at a ramen restaurant, I learned how to "focus" on my ramen. I thought the setup of the restaurant was pretty interesting, as each person sits at a cubical like table. This allows you to concentrate on the ramen and fully enjoy the taste.
When I went to visit a photo booth arcade, I came across this sign. They will not let guys in the photo booth area without the company of a female.
My favorite sign, was seeing that people in Japan are accepting Bitcoin. I found this sign at a camera shop! YAY! Crypto is taking over Tokyo.
I hope your found these signs as entertaining and interesting as I did!