@ramengirl took @acromott, @threebagsfull and I to take photos in a photo booth in Japan. These photo booths are quite common, and you can typically find them in any arcade place. This was such a hilarious experience!
It's really fun to do with friends, and the photo booth machine will turn you into an anime figure. They enhance your eyes, so they look REALLY round. I nearly died laughing when I saw what they did to @acromott's eyes, he looks like a little fluffy teddy bear. Then they automatically add lipstick and blush to everyone! Be sure to check out @threebagsfull beautiful lips!
First you go into the booth, and take anywhere from 5 to 7 photos. It's pretty funny, as they have model pictures right before each shot, telling you recommended poses such as winking, putting hands on your checks, making hearts with your hands, etc. We tried to mimic each recommend pose as best as possible.
Once you finish taking your photos, you need to decorate them. There are all sorts of goofy things you can do to your picture. You can add sparkles, bunny ears, cheesy phrases, you get the idea.
I'm so glad @ramengirl took us to take these photos! It was so addicting to take these cheesy photos... we went about four times! I hope this post gave you a good laugh!