The Most Useless Post On Steemit

Steemit is so much fun and extremely addicting which is not surprising considering the guys who invented it are experts in game theory. They seem to have figured out how to keep us involved using the platform.

However, lately, there has been an influx of new users that don't seem to understand the idea of genuinely engaging with others on this platform and their responses sometimes verge on the ridiculous side.

I'm sure some of you have received some stupid comments before and I'd like to hear them.

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Sometimes I'll make a post that shares a music video and get a response that says:

Oh lengthy post, I am new to Steem. This was a useful post for me, I learned a lot.

Really? What can you learn from watching a music video?

I'm not sure if these people are really people or just bots but it's obvious their comment has nothing to do with the content of the post.

They just added a comment so they can upvote themselves. There's nothing wrong with upvoting yourself per say, but to upvote your comment that says something like, thanks, is just SO wrong in my opinion.

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Another thing I'm seeing lately is people commenting with something like:

Great post. Upvoted and resteemed.

When you check you discover they did not resteem your post and only upvoted their comment. Where I come from we call that lying.

I have seen this happen on my posts many times and I always respond with something like:

I would thank you for the reteem and upvote but you did not resteem and upvote this post.

They never respond back. It's a shame to see this happening so often on Steemit but what are you going to do?

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I guess they think most people won't check to see if they really did resteem their post and may just return the favor. I'm not sure what they are thinking really because my mind doesn't work that way.

I thought of making a post with totally useless information to see how many comments respond with,

Great post. Very useful information.

So here are 5 totally useless tips just to see how many stupid responses come in. If they do respond with rubbish, I'm going to make fun of them when I respond to their comment. Why? Because it's fun.

You can help me tease them too. So, without further ado here are 5 useless tips to use as comment bait.

5 Useless Tips

  1. If your balls itch you should scratch them.
  2. Don't eat yellow snow.
  3. To prevent sunburns stay out of the sun.
  4. When you're hungry eat something.
  5. To create a sentence you should use words.

Totally useless advice, right? Now let's see what happens in the comments below.

Please don't take anything I say in this post seriously. I'm just having some fun with people who post silly comments.

What is the silliest comment you have ever received on one of your posts?


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