Visiting CERN (first impressions)

As you know (if you don't shame on you), steemSTEM had a meetup at CERN and then went down to the LHC. Please check out @steemstem and @lemouth for info on that.

I was there too! And it was great!

I arrived on the 8th in the evening in Geneva, met with the others and together we drove to a restaurant were we had pizza, pasta and some other stuff.


@dber the mushroom guy had, of course, mushroom pizza.

I also brought him some illegal substances from Germany which he would later eat smuggle into the USA.


The next day, we first went into the globe of science


Then the CERN microcosm, where previously recorded people on screen acted like they're actually there and waiting for you to choose a menu option. They then explained stuff.


Later, @lemouth held a presentation on ... physics ... (ok it was a great presentation, I feel like I learned something), which was then taken over by a wonderful woman who also showed us around after that.


We then went down to see the CMS, the official highlight of the day.


After that, some people left but the majority went out to drink and eat something (it was already evening). We kind of lost 2 people who then later turned up mostly unharmed.


And that was it!

I will write a proper post on @suesa which will probably be published tomorrow. There will be a list of everyone who was there and you should check out their blogs and posts about the meetup too!

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