A New Steemit Initiative for Community Involvement - The Daily Steem Poll Project - Introduction Post

I really enjoy projects that involve collaboration among Steemians. I am starting the "Daily Steem Poll" initiative to collect input from the community on various topics. I also plan to encourage participation by sharing part of the author reward!


  1. Provide a framework for Steemians to interact with each other in a fun way on a daily basis
  2. Collaboratively produce quality content that has the potential to attract new people to the site
  3. Create a project where newcomers can easily get involved and earn contribution rewards by sharing their thoughts on various topics
  4. Earn more SP and increase my followers - just being honest ;)


  1. Each day I will create a new "The Daily Steem Poll Project" post
  2. The post will ask the community for input on some question/topic
  3. Members of the community can comment and discuss the question/topic
  4. Members of the community can also suggest new potential questions/topics for future posts
  5. I will pay everyone who contributed to the discussion out of the SBD author rewards from the post

The SBD author payout will be split as follows:

  1. 20% will be paid to the person who thought of the idea for the post
  2. 20% will be used to boost the next day's Daily Steem Poll post
  3. 50% will be divided equally among every user that contributed to the conversation in a meaningful way
    (Any comment that contributes to the discussion will be counted as participation.)
  4. 10% will be kept as author payout
  5. I will round amounts up/down by .01 when needed, to divvy up the whole amount in as fair of a way as possible.

Example topics that will be used as future posts:

  1. What is your favorite Sci-Fi movie?
  2. What is your favorite Steemit category to browse?
  3. Who is your favorite Steemit author?
  4. What is your favorite Anime?
  5. What is your favorite book?

For the introductory post, the poll question is:

What are more good questions to ask as future Daily Steem Poll topics?

Reminder - For any topics that are selected, 20% of the SBD payout from that post will to the person who suggested the idea!

3 columns
2 columns
1 column