Hey all! Week 4 of the Ithaqa Steemit RPG begins now! Join to win free steem, and compete to see whose character will come out on top!
I have sent steem to last weeks winners, @bryan-imhoff, The Mythos based Rat-Thing, @nyarlathotep The Pallid Husk, and @javo1096, The mystical investigator named, Tulem Kolkochsky.
Pick A Faction: Investigators, Cultists, or Mythos Creatures (if you haven't already).
Comment below with your faction pick (or your pre-existing character if you have already played before).
Pick a Starting Stat, and mention it in your comment: Mythos or Stamina
As your character wins or loses, your stats will go up or down, and that will add buffs or debuffs to your roll.
I will randomly match two players up via RNG.
I will roll dice (https://www.wizards.com/dnd/dice/dice.htm)
Winner of each match will be 100% Upvoted, earning you STEEM after 7 days.
All human characters will have a starting Sanity rating of 5, and every loss will cost 1 sanity point. If you get to 0, your character is insane! Start again! If you are a mythos creature, you will have a starting Power stat of 5, which functions the same way.
(( RESTEEM THIS POST )) FOR BONUS HIT-POINTS: Random Weapon Generator:
(Example: Hazel [12] / Rat-Thing [8]) WITHOUT RESTEEM BONUS
(Example: Hazel [12] / Rat-Thing [8]+{5 Weapon}=[13])
I will write some fun flavor text to describe the encounter that happens between you and your opponent, and hopefully this will be a fun way to help raise money for the actual comic!
Our current rankings are:
- @la-fumettista,The Investigator, Hazel. Her main stat is stamina, and because of her wins she's got +2 to her rolls. Hazel's sanity is 5
- @nyarlathotep, The Pallid Husk, has a Sanity of 5 and a Mythos stat of +1
- @javo1096, Tulem Kolkochsky, has a Sanity of 5 and a Mythos stat of +1
- @effofex The Cultist, has 4 Sanity and +2 to his Mythos stat
- @bryan-imhoff, The Mythos based Rat-Thing, has had his Power reduced to 3, but has a Mythos stat of +1.
- @jrej the Bulky Investigator, has 4 Sanity left
- @paulavg, the Mythos Creature has 4 Power left
- @mountainwashere is a Stamina based, silent investigator. His Sanity is 4
- @nateaguila, the Cultist has had his Sanity reduced to 4.
10.@eyedrip, The Mythos-based Flickering One, has had their Power reduced to 4
Non-active players will be removed from the rankings after 3 weeks
If you have any friends or family who might be interested in a Lovecraftian horror comic, please send them to our website to sign up for some free pages! https://www.ithaqacomic.com/contact-us/
Additionally, If you're new to this comic I strongly recommend you check out our instagram, as I'm currently uploading pages every day.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ithaqacomic/
Theresa Chiechi's (The Artist @la-fumettista) website is here: http://www.theresachiechi.com/
Sign up to buy the comic on our website: https://www.ithaqacomic.com/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/pg/IthaqaComic/about/?ref=page_internal
Twitter: @IthaqaComic