If you are an artist (and we know that there are a lot of you great ones on steemit), crowdfunding campaigns are an excellent way to fund a specific project in your career. Fundition has already been a perfect place for all sorts of projects, from art and innovation to education and charity. There is room for music too. You can fund your dream today. All you have to do is know some things about crowdfunding but do not worry, we are here to help.

CC0 image, Unsplash, author: nickkarvounis, adapted
You can create a campaign to raise funds for the production of merchandise or equipment, the production of music videos or even entire tours and albums. Crowdfunding world is waiting to transform your desires from dreams to reality.

Understanding how crowdfunding and Fundition platform work is the best way to start. It is a way that allows followers, friends, and investors to contribute an amount of money to your goal but it isn't just about raising money. It is also about getting your music out there and building a connection with your fans and a great validation for the type of music you produce. Before you start, you need to know what you ate doing so we suggest that you read our educational post (all of them) because they will help you to learn how to create an amazing project presentation.
The biggest advice we can give you is to always be yourself. Do not fake it and do not pretend to be something that you are not just because you think it will get you more money. We live in a diverse world and you are what we need, specifically unique you. Your audience is there but it is the audience only a genuine you will receive so always be honest and true to who you are. Be creative and be wonderful as you are. Artists are often pressured to work or become something they are not by their managers or funders. Crowdfunding will allow you to stay who you are, do not forget that. Follow your passion and your heart, follow your inspiration. There are people out there who are excited to learn about you and hear what you are creating.

Start with establishing your objectives. What is it that you want to achieve and how much money do you need for it? Have a goal in mind and be realistic. Dream big but be realistic. With crowdfunding, a couple of smaller goals is better to have than one large one. Be as personal as possible and show us who you are. Give us a sample of your music. Let us hear you and see you. Consider backer rewards such as signed copies of your album and remember to thank your donors. Do not forget that your job is not done once you publish a campaign, you need to promote it wherever and whenever you can so people can know about it. Give us news and updates and think about videos to show us.

CC0 image, Unsplash, author: vidarnm, adapted
Keep this in mind and your success is only a couple of steps away:
- be yourself
- learn about crowdfunding and how Fundition works
- establish your goal and objectives
- plan your campaign and get organized
- write a quality project presentation
- add videos and tell us about your plan
- promote your project on social networks
- add backer rewards and communicate with your donors
We are sure you are a talent waiting to be discovered. Show us what you got and let the crowd help you achieve your goals and raise the funds needed for your art. Fundition is a place that can make your dreams a reality but do not forget that you need to put in some work. The quality of your project will speak for itself and we will be here on every step of the way helping you to become everything that you want to be.

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