Most persuasive words to attract Backers

Words can have great power, we all know that. It is also important to know that psychology plays a vital role in your every project presentation. We have already covered so many things in our educational posts but there is still much more that we want to share with you. Today, we will talk about persuasive words and how you can use them to your advantage.

CC0 image, Pixabay, author: geralt, adapred

The importance of saying the right thing at the right time to the right people is great and can put a lot of pressure on a person but with your project presentation you have it easy. You are not on the spot and do not have to be ready to use words at the moment. You have time, plenty of time to carefully plan and construct your sentences so do not rush things. The human brain is highly attuned to identify the language. We are so good at recognizing patterns that we don't even need to read the whole word to understand it. yuo cna stlil raed tihs esaily even in that distorted form.

Sensory language is more effective
than descriptive language

There have been several studies that have shown how reading words associated with movement or smell also stimulates the motor and olfactory areas of the brain. Also, keep in mind that words with fricatives (s, v, f, z and th) where the air stream from the mouth is not completely stopped, are perceived smaller, lighter and faster than those with plosives (p, t, k, b, g and d) where there is a complete closure in the mouth.

There are 5 most persuasive words in the English language but that group can easily be expanded to 8 and even 12. Do not worry about using those words being hard because they are quite common and easy to incorporate into any text. Think of persuasive words as keywords to focus your text around and use them to highlight your message.

CC0 image, Pixabay, author: Wokandapix

The key mission you have is to get your readers interested and emotionally involved with your project. You do not want them to stay indifferent but instead feel a strong urge and a passion towards your goal. Use words that will provoke emotions in them and incorporate persuasive words into your text because they sure will help you in that task. Here are the 8 persuasive words that we recommend:


Every one of those words has reasons behind it that make her persuasive. You personalizes your text and makes your readers feel like you are talking directly to them, it creates a bond between you. Because will provide reasoning and answering questions before they are even asked. Instant and New are about innovation, change, and readiness. You have something that is already ready for them, a new way they can instantly participate and help. Must delivers a message of urgency while Imagine lets your readers daydream and visualize everything you are saying to them. Do not forget about Easy so they feel like there is no trouble and effort in their actions, they can help you with no problem what so ever, easy and with a simple click.

CC0 image, Pixabay, author: wjtijan

We are here for you if you have any questions and be sure to check out our previous educational posts to learn more. We believe in you and are sure that your next project will be amazing. All you have to do is prepare yourself, learn about how to make your project shine and take our advice and help when you need them. Good luck!

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