Hello lovely readers!
Today I want to present you something of great: I would like to explain you what Fundition is. My initial intention was not to create a repeat, because you can find the definition and all the information about this crowdfunding platform on its webside
So I had an idea: I want to create some posts that explain what Fundition is with a polyglot articles.

This is the first episode and I will make the same with a lot of other languages. Every post has 3-4 different languages that help people who do not know English language to understand Fundition projects and goals.
I think this is something of special. However in there are already main explanetions of these theme in multiple languages. So I decided to make these posts a little bit different: I have asked to the Fundition Ambassadors to tell me and to all the readers what is their opinion about this platform, if they want to tell us something about a project and everything they want.

So this first episode speaks
Spanish, Japanese and German.


Spanish Ambassador: @joedukeg
Country: Venezuela

[ESP] Creo firmemente que existen ideas grandiosas al rededor del mundo, ideas que aún no han explotado su potencial al máximo... FUNDITION es una plataforma revolucionaria, la cual busca decentralizar el crowdfunding y hacerlo accesible a cualquier persona en el mundo que tenga una idea relacionada con la caridad, la innovación, el arte y otros.
No solo funciona como un intermediario que permite a quienes quieren colaborar con estos proyectos, enviar sus fondos en criptomonedas desde cualquier lugar del mundo, FUNDITION también cuenta con un programa de apoyo, en donde hacen uso de sus 1M$ de Steem Power para apoyar de forma constante diversos proyectos.
He sido testigo, de como FUNDITION es una fuente de esperanza para mis hermanos Venezolanos, con ideas innovadoras y creativas, pues es una luz al final del tunel en un pais con una economía deprimida y una tasa de inseguridad pública increible.
Esto es apenas el comienzo, FUNDITION y los Heart Tokens tienen mucho futuro, y lo que hemos visto hasta hora es solo un destello de lo que veremos en los próximos años.
[ENG]I firmly believe that there are great ideas around the world, ideas that have not yet reached their full potential... FUNDITION is a revolutionary platform, which aims to decentralize crowdfunding and make it accessible to anyone in the world who has an idea related to charity, innovation, art and others.
Not only works as an intermediary that allows those who want to collaborate with these projects, send their funds in crypto currencies from anywhere in the world, FUNDITION also has a support program, where they use their $1M of Steem Power to constantly support various projects.
I have witnessed how FUNDITION is a source of hope for my Venezuelan brothers, with innovative and creative ideas, because it is a light at the end of the tunnel in a country with a depressed economy and an incredible rate of public insecurity.
This is just the beginning, FUNDITION and the Heart Tokens have a lot of future, and what we have seen so far is just a glimpse of what we will see in the coming years.

Japanese Ambassador: @yasu24
Country: Japan

[JAP]私は、Funditionが Steemブロックチェーンの価値を高める魅力的なクラウドファンディングのプラットフォームだと思っていますが、まだ一般的ではありません。私は、Funditionが一般的になるために必要なことを考えることがあります。
例えば、先月 日本人で初めて Ytrphotoさんが Funditionを使ったクラウドファンディングを始めました。そして、私は彼から「STEEMFEST3の期間中に、プロジェクトを応援するための寄付を受け取った」と聞きました。しかし、Funditionを通してよりも、ウォレットから直接受け取った方が簡単なので、ウォレットに直接受け取ったそうです。
私はこの話を聞いて、それらの寄付も Funditionのプロジェクトページに反映できると良いのでは?と思いました。寄付をするために役に立つ iOSや Android アプリも良いかもしれません。私は、Funditionが日本人に効果的に使われるようになってほしいです。
[ENG]I think that Fundition is an attractive crowdfunding platform that increases the value of the Steem blockchain, but it is not yet general. I have something to think about what is necessary for the Fundition to become general.
For example, last month Ytrphoto started the crowdfunding using Fundition for the first time by a Japanese. And I heard from him that "I received a donation to support the project during STEEMFEST3." However, it is easier to receive directly from Wallet than to receive it via Fundition, so he received it directly to Wallet.
When I heard that I thought that it would be a good idea to be able to reflect those donations on the project page of Fundition. iOS and Android application that is useful for donating may be good as well. I would like Fundition to be used effectively by Japanese.

German Ambassador: @naturicia
Country: Germany

[GER]Seitdem ich Fundition kennengelernt habe, hat es mir das Projekt angetan. Die Möglichkeit, das bestehende Crowdfunding mithilfe der Steem Blockchain zu revolutionieren, ist nun Realität geworden. Durch die Delegation konnten viele Projekte gefördert und voran gebracht werden. Und noch längst ist die Reise nicht zu Ende. Ambadassors aus den unterschiedlichsten Ländern der Welt unterstützen weiterhin viele Nutzer bei der Erstellung und Fortführung ihres Projektes. Sie tragen das Wort nach außen, während das Fundition Team bei technischen Problemen hilft und die Plattform weiterentwickelt.
Ich kann jedem nur ans Herz legen sich die Projekte bei Fundition anzuschauen, da es dort viel zu entdecken gibt, was man sicher auch gerne unterstützt, sei es durch Inhalte und Anregungen oder auch nur finanzielle Mittel. Die Zeit ist es wert.
[ENG]Since I got to know Fundition, I've been very fond of the project. The opportunity to revolutionize existing crowdfunding with the Steem Blockchain has now become a reality. Through the delegation many projects could be founded and put forward. And the journey is not over yet. Ambadassors from all over the world continue to support many users in the creation and continuation of their projects. They carry the word outwards, while the Fundition Team helps with technical problems and develops the platform further.
I can only recommend everyone to have a look at the projects on Fundition, because there is a lot to discover, which one certainly likes to support, be it through content and suggestions or just financial means. The time is worth it.

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