My girlfriend doesn't know I'm posting this... (rewards will support her charitable bike ride for cancer research )

My girlfriend, Shereen, inspires me every day.


She's smart. She's funny. She's gorgeous. She's confident.

But, perhaps best of all, she cares about others.

Recently, she made the decision to begin training for The Ride to Conquer Cancer. The 200-km ride takes place over two days. It is a cycling journey and a fundraising crusade that aims to create hope for those who have been impacted by cancer.

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2016 was a tough year for Shereen's family. She lost an aunt to breast cancer while also finding out another aunt's breast cancer had returned. She has lost other family members to cancer in previous years as well.

Rather than sit and complain, Shereen decided she would take action. She has been training hard to participate in the 200-km journey, while also organizing several fundraising events.

In Shereen's words, "If my loved ones challenged cancer, my zero-experience self has no excuse and I aim to use this journey to spread love, awareness and ride in solidarity with those who have been affected by the disease."

You can learn more about the Ride to Conquer Cancer, or visit Shereen's fundraising page.

Rewards from this post will be delivered to Shereen's fundraising page, with the donation coming from "The Steemit Community." She doesn't know I've posted this... I'm hoping to pleasantly surprise her with your amazing support :)

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